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Do I Need A Title to Scrap A Car?

Posted On June 15th, 2020

If you’re selling your car to a private buyer, then you will be required to transfer the title of the vehicle to the buyer to complete the sale. But if you’re selling the car to a Melbourne Car Wrecker such as Vic Car Removal then providing the title is not mandatory. To find out more about this, read on.

Can You Scrap A Car Without A Title in Melbourne?

A car title is a legal document that provides the name of the owner of the vehicle. It is an important document that needs to be transferred to the new buyer’s name when selling a vehicle. But if you can’t find the title and are wondering if you can Scrap Your Car for Cash without it, then the short answer is yes.

At Vic Car Removal, we require every car seller to provide proof of ownership of a vehicle. While a title is the most common document that sellers provide to establish proof, in the absence of one, you can provide old registration papers and other relevant paperwork instead. To find out how exactly how you can prove vehicle ownership without a title, get in touch with us and we’ll be glad to help.


Scrap Car

Sell Your Scrap Car for Quick Cash to Vic Car Removal

A scrap car can be a source of stress and anxiety for a vehicle owner. After all, it’s not roadworthy, so it’s pretty useless, just taking up valuable space in your garage. But the thought of spending money to have it towed to a landfill is also not an appealing one. So, what’s one to do in such a situation? Well, you can always give Vic Car Removal a call. We pay Cash for Scrap Cars in Melbourne and will be happy to come to your location and collect the vehicle for free. This means, with us, you get to enjoy a zero-expense car sale that pays instant cash. Is there a better deal to get rid of a scrap car? So, why wait? Get in touch with us today and we’ll provide you with a quick quote for your vehicle.

Contact Us for A Free Quote Today

We don’t make you take time off your day to bring the vehicle to us for valuation. Instead, we provide quotes over the phone. So, simply pick up your phone and call us at 0420 767 076. for a quote.

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