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Sold Your Victoria Car? Here’s Why Cancelling Your Vehicle License Is Important

Posted On October 8th, 2019

Even when selling a damaged car, it cannot be emphasized enough how important it is to officially cancel your Vehicle License through the proper means. If you don’t, whatever happens with it under a new operator can still put you in hot water. Luckily, canceling your Vehicle License isn’t too difficult: you can do so by visiting VicRoads or through some other means.

Why People Cancel Their Vehicle License in Victoria

There are many reasons why someone would cancel their vehicle license in Victoria, and not all of them have to do with an issue with the car or driver. It is a normal part selling your car or changing ownership – but it is nonetheless important in preventing further issues.

Some of the reasons people cancel their Vehicle License in Victoria include:

  • They simply cancel it by choice
  • They have sold their car
  • They have given their car to a Car Wrecker
  • Your car has been written-off/no longer deemed roadworthy
  • Your car has been reclaimed by another party or insurance
  • Your car is damaged or has been involved in an accident
  • The car doesn’t adhere to Victorian Government Road Rules

Why It’s Important to Report that You No Longer Own Your Car in Victoria

You’ve sold your car, the deal is done and dust – so, that means you’ll never hear about it again, right? Well, if your car’s change of ownership hasn’t been properly reported, you could be hearing about it in highly inconvenient ways. The new operator could have been caught speeding, but the fine might be sent to your address because the government doesn’t know that you no longer operate. To make things worse, these common cases often require time, money and a lot of hassle to prove your no longer own the car.

Reasons it’s important to cancel your Vehicle License include:

  • The new operator is involved in an unlawful activity
  • The new operator is caught speeding/breaks road or traffic rules
  • The new operator is involved in an accident
  • The car is deemed no longer roadworthy


Vehicle License Cancellation Melbourne

How to Cancel Your Vehicle License in Victoria

To cancel your Vehicle License, you have a few options.

  1. Visit VicRoads at https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/
  2. Call Vic Roads at 13 11 71
  3. Visit your local VicRoads Customer Service Centre
  4.  Mail to VicRoads, GPO Box 1644, Melbourne, VIC 3001

What You’ll Need to Cancel Your Vehicle License in Victoria

You’ll need to provide certain information about yourself, the new operator and the car itself.

This includes:

The Car:

  • Its VIN/Chassis Number
  • Its Registration Plates Number
  • Its Engine Number
  • Year of Manufacture

Your Information:

  • Your Full Name
  • Your Address
  • Your Contact Details
  • Your License/Customer Number
  • Date of Sale

The New Owner:

  • Their Full Name
  • Their Address
  • Their License/Customer Number
  • Their Date of Birth

Vic Car Removal makes selling your car a breeze, whether it be a junk car or simply an unwanted car. We pay Instant Cash For Cars in any condition in Melbourne, Victoria and provide free Car Removals with every purchase.
Contact Vic Car Removal today at 0420 767 076.

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